Feral Cat Removal

Tried & True Trappers is a family-owned and operated wildlife trapping company that specializes in Feral Cat Removal.

Need a Feral Cat Removed?


Cat-scratch disease
Also known as cat scratch fever, this bacterial infection is transmitted by a cat bite.

Bites and claws
Feral cats may bite or claw if they feel threatened, such as when they are cornered or approached.

Intestinal parasites: Feral cats can carry parasites like roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. These parasites can be passed to dogs that eat the cat’s feces.
Ticks and fleas: Feral cats can carry ticks and fleas.

Feral cats can become infected with toxoplasmosis by eating rodents that have the parasite. Toxoplasmosis can affect the brain and muscles of intermediate carriers.

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)

  • FIV is spread through bite wounds, and outdoor cats are more likely to be infected.
  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV): FeLV is a common infectious disease that can cause anemia and cancer in cats.

Feral Cat is a predator known to be cautious and clever when it comes to hunting their prey as well as covering their territory. Their main diet consists of smaller mammals, birds, and reptiles. A bobcat may often hunt other cats to maintain a larger territory in urban or suburban areas. They may also occasionally prey on cats and smaller breeds of dogs. Are you having issues with a feral cat? Let us remove the unwanted bobcat affecting the life of your pet. Our knowledge and tools will solve the problem.

Contact Tried & True Trappers

Give us a call at 1 (855) 30-VENOM
or 1 (855) 308-3666 or complete the form for more information or to schedule a free inspection.