Pocket Gopher Removal
- Pocket gophers can carry diseases like rabies, LCM, hantavirus, leptospirosis, plague, and tularemia. However, it's rare for humans to get rabies from gophers.
- Pocket gophers have sharp incisors and can bite if threatened. To avoid bites, wear gloves when handling trapped gophers.
Gophers eat the root system of a very large number of plants, shrubs, weeds, crops and other vegetation. They can easily destroy your lawn while killing off your garden as well as leaving nothing behind but huge mounds of dirt.
The amount of dirt removed from under the surface will also leave behind enormous dips, divots and small sink holes affecting live stock and horses.
Are you having issues with Pocket Gophers digging holes, pits, tunnels, burrows or piles of dirt in your yard or farm?

Mole Removal
- Saliva in the mouth of the mole contains a toxin that paralyzes small animals and insects.
- MThey must eat almost their entire body weight in food a day.
- Just one brown bat can consume up to 1,000 mosquitoes in one hour
Moles can be extremely destructive little creatures. Not only can they leave your yard looking like it has been plowed with a tractor, but they can and will keep the appearance of your lawn destroyed year-round.
Call us to help you with this problem, We are pro's at capturing wildlife and our technicians are highly trained in solving your mole issues. Moles can be a challenge to remove, but we have it mastered!